Hebrew Calendar

See also HebCal.


Two distinct different dates, separated by SIX months, for the Jewish New Year simply makes no sense UNTIL the moment one understands that there are two Hebrew Calendars, i.e. the "Scriptural (Religious) Calendar" with Aviv (Nisan) as the 1st Hebrew Month, and the "Civil (Secular) Calendar" with Tishri as it's 1st month. For long centuries, to date, world Jewish Society have already operated under the Civil Hebrew Calendar. Since Sh'mot 12:2, IN SCRIPTURE, the Scriptural (Religious) Calendar is used (i.e. everything in Scripture, from Sh'mot 12:2 onwards, work with the Religious Calendar), which, simply, means that BEFORE Almighty Elohim's announcement to Mosheh in Sh'mot 12:2, the Civil (Secular) Calendar (that has been in operation, again, since whenever), must have been in operation. So, to sum up . . . The Civil Calendar was used until the time of Elohim's proclamation in Sh'mot 12:2. At that time until an unspecified time the Religious Calendar was used, and since the latter, unspecified time, the Jewish people are back to using the Civil Calendar, until this very day. The ESSENTIAL DIFFERENCE between the two Calendars is a shift of SIX POSITIONS in the ORDER the Hebrew Months appear next to the Number of each Month on the Calendar in question. מעין (ROFM)  

IsraelAlia Reply:

This is really interesting and thank you for providing this information clearly. Yes of course, Exodus 12:2 https://biblehub.com/interlinear/exodus/12-2.htm officially marks the beginning of the calendar and, in combination with Genesis 1:14 https://biblehub.com/interlinear/genesis/1-14.htm, we can deduce we are to use the moon and sun to work out our year, thereby indicating a certain number of months in a year. I am not sure if there is a deducible system of allocating the days for the month..? neither it seems does the Torah name all of the months? although it definitely makes mention of the month of 'Aviv' (see https://biblehub.com/hebrew/24.htm). Unfortunately there's no month called 'Aviv' in the civil calendar! I will definitely do more research into this. I have found this site: https://torahcalendar.com/, which states:

"The Calendar Restoration Project is a historical work in progress to restore the Creation Calendar of Scripture. Based on the whole counsel of Scripture, it is evident that the Creation Calendar is a 7000 year calendar modeled on the seven days of creation. It is composed of 140 Jubilee Cycles of 50 years. In Genesis 6:3, יהוה seems to indicate that the Millennial Sabbath and the Age of Life with יהושע the Messiah will begin after 120 Jubilee Years.We believe the Sabbaths, New Moons, Appointed Times and Festivals of יהוה have been correctly restored. We also believe that this site correctly teaches how to determine the Hebrew Hour, Hebrew Day, Hebrew Month and Hebrew Year.A provisional theory for the 50 Year Jubilee Cycle is currently posted based on the understanding from Ezekiel 40:1, that New Year's Day of Jubilee Year 68 occurred on Day 10 of Month 7 in 581 B.C.E. The first year of Creation, in this theory, is 3980 B.C.E".

Interestingly, I have just found some information proving that the Torah has named the 7th month 'Ethanim'! See: https://biblehub.com/interlinear/1_kings/8-2.htm and https://ffoz.org/discover/messianic-jewish-calendar/the-month-of-ethanim.html


The modern Jewish calendar comes from the Babylonians. All the names are Babylonian, and so is the new year.

IsraelAlia Reply

Yeh, the Torah calls them by the number of month, so for example, Yom Teruah ('Rosh Hashana') was supposed to be on the 1st day of the '7th month'. I found this Orthodox Pharisaic link about this topic.. https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/987524/jewish/Why-Babylonian-Names-for-Jewish-Months.htm.


Rosh HaShanah (Head of The Year) is Tishre (Reshit/Beginning. When the physical creation of the world commenced. The Beginning of the Month/Moons/Moedim is in Aviv which commences the deliverance from Egyptian bondage by YHVH Elohim. This shall be the Beginning of Months for you. YHVH did not say this shall be the Beginning of The Year.In the Babylonian Calendar the Beginning of the Month and the Beginning of the Year coincide as January 1st. but this is now how YHVH's calendar works.


Of course the so-called Hebrew Calendar (Rabbinical calendar) is wrong almost always.It is off 2 days this month. They marked what they call Rosh Hashana before this month even began, so their Yom Kippurim is ahead of the real one by 2 days.So is Sukkot and the Mo`ed on its heel.