Bereshit 1:1-6:8
The letters 'barah' are repeated twice as the first words said of the Torah. El-him is used as a plural. The earth is 'Tohu' and 'Boho'; formless and void. Darkness is on the face of the deep. The spirit of El-him is hovering over the face of the waters. He says 'let there be light' and He sees the light is good. El-him divides between the light and dark. This was the first day.
El-him says, 'let there be a 'Rakia' firmament and let it divide between the waters'. El-him divides between the waters that were under the firmament and waters above it. El-him calls the firmament 'sky'. El-him gathers the waters under the firmament together in one place and dry land appears. Vegetation yields seeds 'according to their kind'. Lights in the sky (sun and moon) to serve for signs and seasons, days and years, each to rule during either the day or night and the stars. Waters abound with life, birds fly and the earth brings forth livestock. El-him sees this is good and blesses their multiplication.
El-him says, 'let us make man ('Adam') in Our image according to our likeness. Adam is told to multiply and have dominion over the animals. Trees bearing seeds are given to man as food and every green herb is given as food to everything that has the breath of life in it.
El-him ends his work and rests on the seventh day and blesses and sanctifies it.
The Torah goes through the generations of the heavens and earth. Before there was any vegetation (because Y-hova El-him had not caused it to rain yet), El-him forms Adam from the dust and breathes into his nostrils.
Y-hova El-him plants a garden in Ede (in the East). El-him put trees pleasing to the sight and good for food there. The Tree of Life was in the midst of the garden and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The river that goes out of Eden parts to become four headwaters. Pishon winds through Havilah, where there is gold and precious stones. Gihon winds through Cush, Tigris winds on the east side of Assyria and the fourth is the Euphrates.
Y-hova El-him takes the Adam he made and puts him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it it. Y-hova El-him commands Adam that of any tree he can eat freely but not of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil because in the day he eats of it he will surely die. Y-hova El-him says it is not good that Adam is alone so He forms all the beasts out of the ground and brings them to Adam to see what he would name them. Adam gives them all names but a suitable helper was not found for him.
Y-hova El-him causes a deep sleep to fall over Adam and makes a woman out of the rib He takes from Adam. Adam says, 'this bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh shall be called woman'. Therefore a man will leave his mother and father to be united with his wife. They were both naked and not ashamed.
The serpent was more cunning than the other animals made by Y-hova El-him. The serpent asks Eve if it is true that El-him has said they cannot eat from every tree.
The woman replies that they can eat from any tree apart from the tree in the middle of the garden and that El-him said they could not eat it or touch it, otherwise they would die.
The serpent says they will surely not die and that El-him knows that when they eat of it their eyes will be opened and they will be like El-him, knowing good and evil.
When the woman saw the tree was good for food and pleasant to look at and desirable as a tree to make one wise then she took the fruit and ate it and gave also to her husband with her and he ate. Then their eyes opened and they knew they were naked and sewed fig leaves together.
They hear the sound of Y-hova El-him walking in the garden in the breeze and Adam and Eve hide themselves among the trees. Y-hova El-him calls to Adam and asks, 'where are you?'. Adam says he heard His voice and was afraid because he was naked and hid himself.
And He asks, 'who told you you were naked and have you eaten from the tree I commanded you not to eat from?'. Adam says the woman that He gave him gave him of the tree and he ate.
Y-hova El-him says to the woman, 'what is it you have done?' and she says the serpent deceived her and she ate.
Y-hova El-him curses the serpent and puts enmity between his seed and the woman's seed. He says he will multiply Eve's sorrow and give her a painful childbirth and her husband will rule over her. Finally, He says that because Adam listened to Eve, the ground would be cursed and in need of labour and it would bring forth thistles and thorns. Adam would return to the dust. Adam calls his wife Eve because she was the mother of all the living.
Y-hova El-him makes tunics of skin for Adam and his wife and says, 'the man has become like one of Us, lest he reach out his hand for the Tree of Life and live forever'. So Adam is driven out to till the ground and is placed to the east of the garden, where there is a cherubim with a whirling sword of flame guarding the Tree of Life.
Adam knows his wife Eve and she gives birth to Cain and says she has acquired a man through Y-hova. She later gives birth to Abel. Abel kept sheep but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
In the course of time Cain brings the fruit of the ground as an offering to Y-hova and Abel brought also the firstborn of his flock of their fat. Y-hova looked favourably on Abel's offering but did not respect Cain's offering. Cain becomes very angry and his countenance falls. Y-hova says, 'why are you angry and why has your face fallen? will you not be accepted if you do well? and if you don't do well, sin lies for you at the door and for you it desires but you should rule over it'.
Cain talks with Abel and in time when they were in the field Cain rises up against his brother and kills him. Y-hova asks Cain where Abel is and he replies he does not know and asks if he is his brother's keeper.
Y-hova asks 'what have you done?' and says 'the blood of your brother cries out to me from the ground'. Cain is cursed from the earth that opens its mouth to receive the blood of his brother. Cain would till but the earth would no longer yield its strength, he would be a fugitive and a wanderer.
Cain says he cannot bear the punishment and that he has surely been driven from the face of the ground. He says he will also be hidden from His face and expresses his worry that someone would find him and kill him. Y-hova then says there would be sevenfold vengeance on anyone who killed Cain and set a mark on him. Cain leaves the presence of Y-hova and dwells in the land of Nod.
Cain has relations with his wife and she bears Hanoch (Enoch). Cain builds a city and calls it Hanoch, after his son. Hanoch has a son called Irad, who has a son called Mehujael. who has a son called Methushael, who has a son called Lamech.
Lamech takes two wives for himself; one was called Adah and the other, Zillah. Adah gives birth to Jabal and he was the father of those who dwell in tents and raise livestock. The name of Jabal's brother was Jubal and he was the father of those who play the harp and flute. Zillah gives birth to Tubal-Cain and he was the instructor of all the craftsmen of bronze and iron. Tubal-Cain's sister was called Naamah.
Lamech said to his wives, 'hear my voice, wives of Lamech, hear my speech. For I have killed a man for wounding me and even a young man for scarring me. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold then Lamech will be avenged seventy seven times'.
Adam knows his wife again and Eve and she bares a son and calls him Seth because, 'El-him has appointed her another seed in place of Abel. who Cain killed'. Seth has a son called Enosh.
Then men began to call on the name of Y-hova.
This is the book of the geneology of Adam, in the day that created El-him Adam in the likeness of El-him. He created them male and female and he blessed them and called them Adam in the day they were created. Adam lived 130 years old when he had a son in his own likeness after his own image and his name was Seth. Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. Adam lived a total of 930 years and then he died.
At a certain age, Seth has Enosh and then other sons and daughters. The chapter continues with similar information for Enosh, Cainan, Mahalalel, Jared and Hanoch (Enoch). When Hanoch was 65 years old, he became the father of Methuselah and after he became the father of Methuselah, he walked with God for 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Hanoch lived a total of 365 years. Hanoch walked with El-him and then he was no more because El-him took him.
When Lamech was 182 years old, he had a son and named him Noah, saying, 'this one shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground that Y-hova has cursed'. After Noah was 500 years old, he became the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Now when man began to multiply on the earth, daughters were born to them. The sons of El-him saw the daughters of men were beautiful and took wives for themselves of whoever they chose. Y-hova says His spirit will not strive with man forever for he is flesh. His days shall be 120 years.
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also after that, when the sons of El-him came in to the daughters of men. They bore them children who became mighty men of old, men of renown.
Then Y-hova saw the wickedness of man was great upon the earth and that every intent and thought was totally evil all of the time and Y-hova was sorry that He had made man and was grieved in His heart. Y-hova says He will destroy the Adam I have created and blot out every man, beast, crawling creature and bird.